Transform Your Attic Into an Interior Design Miracle

Transform Your Attic Into an Interior Design Miracle

Attics are an odd duck, rarely given the design attention they truly deserve. What other room in the house offers so much square footage of space, unobstructed by furniture, appliances or built-ins? This is especially true of homes built before the mid-twentieth...
Fabulous Flooring Ideas for a Flawless Interior

Fabulous Flooring Ideas for a Flawless Interior

Often in interior design articles, extra emphasis is placed on popular subjects such paint and lighting. After all, these elements – and the choices made around them – can dramatically alter an environment. But there is another piece of the puzzle that is equally...
Designing a Rec Room: Throw Yourself Into It

Designing a Rec Room: Throw Yourself Into It

We all could use a getaway every now and then. Someplace we can go to let loose, blow off some steam and be the slightly sillier, more carefree versions of ourselves. And while places like Puerto Vallarta, Belize and the South of France may come to mind, chances are...
Foyers, Lobbies, & Entryways: Design for your personal style

Foyers, Lobbies, & Entryways: Design for your personal style

They say you only get one chance to make a first impression. They’re right. And whether we’re talking home or office, a beautiful foyer or a cool lobby area are magnificent introductions to a space. The right design can create a great mood that last through the entire...
Design Options for Closets, Wardrobes & Dressing Areas

Design Options for Closets, Wardrobes & Dressing Areas

This post, we’re going to discuss an area of your home that generally no one gets to see except you. It may often be untidy or disheveled, but the feeling of tranquility and comfort that it can bring is nearly unparalleled. It is a highly personal space. And depending...
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