by e.gould | Apr 19, 2023 | Construction, General
Interior design is a creative and rewarding profession that allows you to transform spaces and improve people’s lives. However, not every client is easy to work with. Some clients can be demanding, disrespectful, unrealistic, or indecisive, making your...
by e.gould | Apr 10, 2023 | Construction, General
As an interior designer and house remodeler, I have worked with many different clients over the years. While most of them have been a pleasure to work with, one particular client stands out as my most challenging experience. The client, who introduced himself as an...
by e.gould | Dec 22, 2022 | Construction, General
Eileen Gould has worked on multiple and diverse projects but when it comes to updating the house, the trickiest room has always been the kitchen. For some of us, it is just another room for culinary needs and gets most of the attention from its owners, but it is as...